- SANSKAR SAHEET SHIKSHA is the motto of City College of Education (CCE)
- To strive for the improving the quality of teacher education in the country.
- To be among top 10 educational colleges of country.
- To maintain the role of teacher which has been eulogized in our ancient past in the ideal of the GURU.
- To provide an education which a perfect blend of old ideal values mixed with modern pace of life.
- “SANSKARS” must be core element of teacher education.
- To contribute to the development of the neighboring community.
- To cultivate an appreciation for diverse culture and experience within & outside the college community
- To realize the objective of teacher education, that is to prepare “Profssional” for the schools of 21st
- Continuously striving for improving the quality of teacher education in the country.
- To focus on quality, relevance & innovation in each discipline.
- To inculcate “SANSKAR” in modern teaching.
- To celebrate the national traditions, culture, heritage & folk love.